Pack it in. It's done. Stop hoping and be real here people. It was pretty much over already, but with Victor Martinez playing Jamie Quirk and Joe Nathan playing Ron Davis, that seals the deal.
The Twins are now down 2.5 with 11 left to play. Having pissed away every opportunity to win this division, it's finally over. Excellent job going 8-11 against the easiest stretch in the schedule ever. And what a waste of a year, mainly thanks to the god awful bullpen and the inability of management to acquire a good set up man at the trade deadline, when they knew damn well the bullpen was a liability and knew they were in a pennant race, not a rebuilding year. The Twins were fourth in run differential in the AL, and thanks to the bullpen were unable to make the playoffs, wasting what might be career years from Buscher, Casilla, and Span - though I hope not.
I hate this team.
I agree its pretty much over. Cliff Lee today then 4 at the Trop, they'll be lucky to go 2-3 in that stretch. And will probably be 3.5 or 4.5 out when the Sox come to town. Then their only chance will be a sweep plus some help. Can anyone really see that happening?
I'll be looking for a Garza Rays jersey to wear at the Trop instead of my Tony Batista #77 Twins vest jersey.
The inability to snag Chad Bradford or LaTroy Hawkins off waivers did this team in. I don't have what the Rays and Astros gave up, respectively, but those were essentially free pickups. Both guys had/have better peripherals than Guardado...and it isn't like the Twins needed another LHP in the pen.
LaTroy: Picked up by Houston. 17 games, 14 innings, 5 hits, 3 walks, 20 K's, ERA of 0.00, WHIP of 0.57
Bradford: Picked up by Tampa. 16 games, 14 innings, 15 hits, 8 walks, 4 K's, ERA of 1.29, WHIP of 1.64
Guardado: Picked up by Minnesota. 7 games, 6 innings, 12 hits, 2 walks, 4 K's, ERA of 10.13, WHIP of 2.63.
I can't believe how jaded and pessimistic everyone is on this once great but now shitty blog. I live in Chicago and am all to familiar with the White Sox late-season bed-shitting that is about to happen. If anyone should be complaining, it should be White Sox fans who - despite the Twins having the worst stretch of the season - managed to extend their 1 1/2 game lead to (according to this blog) an insurmountable 2 1/2 game lead. Look for the Sox to get swept by the Twinkies next week and then completely fall apart - its almost like clock-work. Maybe you guys don't see it becuase you live in MN, but the Twins are the envy of every other baseball fan in the country - and all you guys do is complaint about them. Twins = 2008 AL Central Champs, book it. And W, I'm glad you think Span peaked out at the ripe old age of 24.
Dude, I said possibly.
Envious of the Twins, I don't think so. The only things fans would be envious of are Mauer & Morneau. Envious of a stingy owner? Envious of a front office that got screwed on the Santana deal? Envious that the front office didn't add bullpen help at the deadline? Envious of a team that insulted Liriano so much, he will never re-sign here? Envious of their power-packed lineup? Envious of a team that values "locker room guys" over guys who hit home runs? Envious of a terrible manager? Envious of a team that doesn't do the fundamentals, even though they beat you over the head with the fact that they do? Envious of the other million things I'm forgetting?
Didn't the Sox win the World Series in 2005? I bet their fans are envious of the fact that they aren't the one-and-dones. By the way idiot, it's not bed-shitting when you have a million injuries, and one of them is your best player. How well do you think the Twins would do without Morneau. Think how much better the Sox would be if they weren't hindered with a complete retard as their skipper? Christ, if I lived in Chicago and was envious of the Twins, I should have my ass kicked.
P.S. For the idiots out there who think chemistry and "locker room guys" matter, read "Boys Will Be Boys." It's a book about the Cowboys dynasty of the 90's, you'll see that talent trumps all.
I like this guy. Take that Bogart.
"Matt" you can pick apart every little decision and bitch about it all you want. The bottom line is that we are a small market team that consistently puts out a contender year in and year out. Fans of other team - particularly in big markets - are used to seeing management land big names for big money yet still churn out one crappy season after another. The Sox of the ealry 2000's come to mind. By the way, it was well known (and, in fact, publically announced by managment) that the Sox went to the "Twins blue print" the year before they won the world series. They cut loose a bunch of thier big name players like Maglio, et al. and tried to win games other than by hitting homeruns. I've already seen two world series championships in my relatively short lifetime, which is two more than most other fans in the country.
And don't think you're all high and mighty because W agrees with you - he's a jaded, cynical jackass who is afraid to talk to people in person so he does it over the internet.
And your more than welcome to come on down to Chicago for an ass kicking.
W also once got his glasses knocked right of his chubby little face during a bar fight and had to sift through a snow bank to retrieve them.
The Twins are not contenders, competing with the Red Sox, Yankees, Angles would make them a contender. Winning the worst division in MLB every year and then getting swept in the playoffs is nothing to boast about.
I can't believe (well, actually I can) you buy that Twins blueprint garbage. Do you want to know why the Sox won the World Series in '05? It had nothing to do with playing "small ball", it was because they had the best ERA in the AL, and had a lights out bullpen. By the way, they were 4th in the AL in HR.
What happened to their "blueprint" in '06? Did they not win because they scored 127 more runs than '05, the 3rd most runs in MLB, hit the most HR in the MLB? No, it was because their pitching sucked. They gave up 149 more runs than in '05.
Please spare me with this "blueprint" and "small ball" bullshit. Get a clue!
Your "relatively short lifetime" is going to remain just that, after I come down there. Bring it!
By the way, unless you receive a paycheck from Carl Pohlad, it's them, not we. You aren't a member of the team.
The 2005 White Sox, with their 200 HRs (#5 in the MLB), took the Twins blueprint?
That team is one of the most misrepresented teams of all time because Crazy Ozzie had a couple guys bunt too often and talked about small ball all the time.
The team mashed and got career years out of multiple pitchers. The only thing they followed from the Twins blueprint was not getting on base very often. Thankfully they hit a bunch of HRs, otherwise they would have had a shitty offense.
Hawk, butt out! I'll fight my own battle.
So 200 homeruns is "mashing." The mighty Twinkies mashed out 190 the year before. And because I have the internet and can look up stats just like the rest of you nerds, I can point out that the 200 homeruns the Sox "mashed" in 2005 was their lowest homerun total since 1999 - and over 1/3 of those homeruns were from Konerko and Dye alone (wow, look how smart I am). The rest of the team could barely crack the teens. Great pitching, only two guys on the team who can hit a homerun - sounds an awful lot like some other team we know so well, no? By no means were they a spitting image, but they certainly shifted their thinking in some respects from their "mashing" ways of the early 2000's. And if you would ever venture out past Fridley or wherever the hell you are from, its true - the Twins are envied by almost every other fan base. You're probably the guy who is impressed that Sarah Palin can see Russia from Alaska.
Who is the second homerun-type hitter on the Twins?
Shhhh, pipe down! You're going to give away the Twins' secret! They are the only organization in the history of baseball to figure out that great pitching is beneficial to a team's success. (Well, better than average pitching. If they have the best pitcher in MLB they trade him, might damage the chemistry and all.)
The Sox were so enamored with not hitting home runs they went out and added J. Thome. Too bad that idiot went out and hit 42 of them, ruined everything. Asshole helped contribute to them leading the MLB in SLG%. Clearly he didn't get the memo. "Do the little things. 3rd inning, men on 1st and 2nd, no outs, don't hit a 3 run job, bunt them over. Don't have a .416 OBP, swing at everything, walks are for losers." What an idiot! If I were a Sox fan, I would directly blame him for not repeating.
They must not be following that blueprint this year. They went out and added Swisher & Quentin, dumbshits. Don't they know, the key to a successful season is to ad a LF & CF that don't hit home runs, that don't get on base, that have terrible at bats. No wonder they suck this year. Idiots!
Other than fleecing the Giants in one trade, what the hell does this organization do that makes everyone love them so much?
Too bad I don't live in the media hub of the world, Chicago. You have so many more baseball resources there than I do here in Fridley. It must be nice to be able to get a nation wide view of the team, all I get is the "Good Neighbor." I'm so naive and uninformed. Now I'm jealous!
The one benefit of never venturing out of measly Fridley is that tired and old Sarah Palin jokes die quickly. Let me guess, you were building for the knockout punch, a "Bush Doctrine" joke. I'm already laughing in anticipation.
This Matt guy seems like kind of a dipshit.
Whats the "Bush doctrine"?
Matt, Put some pants on, put your mountain dew back in your moms fridge and go take a walk around the block. Your spending way to much time on the internet and it is starting to make you delusional. "bring it"????? Who do you think you are Appollo Creed? "Bring it", What a dip shit!
P.S. Because one book, "Boys Will Be Boys.", states something that must mean its fact. Retard! I or anyone else on this blog who breaths with their mouth closed could rattle off 50 teams or individuals who won things when they weren't the most talented. So I guess talent doesn't "Trump all". Anyone who states chemistry and club house doesn't matter is a complete dipshit. Piss of Matt.
Chemistry doesn't matter in baseball. Morneau doesn't hit a home runs because the other Twins are swell guys. When there is almost no interaction between teammates on the field, like in baseball, chemistry is essentially meaningless.
A less talented team can get hot a go on a run, a less talented team can win in a single game situation, I'm well aware of this, but over the long haul talent trumps, dipshit. Let me guess, Jeter won titles because he was a locker room guy and a gamer? A-Rod hasn't won any because he's selfish and he's not a team guy, or maybe it's because he hit too many home runs?
Here's one you may like better Tiff - Suck It! Now get back in the kitchen and make me a samich, bitch!
WWWW, You sound really stupid right now. Good chemistry doesn't make a person hit a home run. Thanks for pointing that out captain obvious, but it does help with players state of mind when they come to field. If guys are loose and enjoying themselves they do play better and tend to perform better. Your an idiot if you argue otherwise.
Matt- The last thing you need is a samich fatty! A-Rod hasn't won a championship because he is a sackless wonder who can't play in big games. Talent can't trump the fact A-Rod has no sack.
Snake/Tiffany - stop posting for your own good, you're making yourself sound worse and worse.
Stick to analyzing hunting, redneck.
I've got to give it to you Tiff, you are slaying me today, you are a comedic genius. Mom's basement, stained drawers, hackin on net, Mountain Dew swillin, fat ass, that is some brilliant shit. Maybe you and Bogart should collaborate, you two would kill.
P.S. Nice Pollyanna view on teammates & chemistry. Oh, and someone should tell A-Rod to pitch better in the playoffs too.
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