Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fire Joe Morgan Is Back (Kind of)

The Sidler just sent me some excellent news, and I figure most of you people reading this are like me and are always looking for ways to kill time at work other than doing actually work, so I'm letting you know.

Fire Joe Morgan is back!  Well, not really.  But the guys from over there are guest editing deadspin today.  I don't really ever check deadspin, so I wouldn't have known this without the email and because I'm so kind-hearted I'm paying it forward to you, loyal reader, just like that weird kid in that movie with the guy from Hudson Hawk. 

It's hilarious and awesome, and it makes me mad at them all over again for shutting down the original site.  Head on over.


  1. Cuddy had another ho-hum day of suckiness. 3-4 with a double, a homer and 3 RBI's. For those of you keeping track at home that is 26 HR's and 78 RBI's on the year.

    Good call IHCG. My money is that IHCG and Snacks are one in the same. I believe Snacks predicted that Gomez would be a 30 HR 30 SB guy this year. So far Go-go has 3 HR's and 11 SB's.

    PS WWW - did you read that Jacob Thomas verbally committed to Long Beach State. Is that a sign of him giving up academically to get into the U or did Monson just out recruit Tubby?

  2. I would guess, and this is just a guess, that he gave up on trying to academically qualify at the U. Monson couldn't out recruit a grocery cart.

  3. Well its only a verbal, it might be that he just wanted to accept a D-I offer somewhere, since Tubby is obviously waiting for the academics to improve. I would have to guess that if he gets his grades/scores up and Tubby indicates interest, he would back out on the verbal to long beach and accept at Minnesota. Either that or he just saw all the hot tail and great weather in cali and said why the hell would I stay in Minnesota when I can go here.

  4. I blow Helton Guy, looks like your hero is starting his classic, I still suck routine. Luckily he has had 6 hits in the last 10 games, struck out 7 times and has knocked in a robust 5 rbi's. Luckily this time of year is not important, so failure is accepted in pennant races, especially out of the 3 hole.

    Since I know you will say 10 games is to small a window to judge, this douche is batting .244 for sept with a solid 1 HR and 8 rbis. He is AWESOME. A total of 2 extra base hits and 2 runs as well. Christ he sucks

  5. WWWWW do you style your writing after the boys at FJM? Not the whole breakdown of an article to make fun of, which you have done (stole) but does not exclusively take up the blog, but more the style in which they write. You, dare I say, ripped, them, off.

  6. elliot eliason commits to the gophers

  7. $19 Million Man RulesSeptember 18, 2009 at 9:58 AM

    I Hate Helton guy, when you say he sucks when it matters does that take into account his .500 batting average in the world series? What matters more than the world series? Go find another turd to throw on the wall and see if it sticks monkey. Helton still rules Denver!

  8. "Your both idiots, but the playoff stats are a joke of an argument. It is a four to 7 game window. Helton batted .230 in the playoffs but did bat well over .300 in the world series."

    So 3 weeks ago playoff stats are a joke, but now the basis for your argument. You are like a 12 year old girl. Make up your mind and stick to your guns, talk about throwing shit off walls and hoping it sticks. And since when does 5 for 15 = .500. You just keep making yourself look dumber and dumber and at this point that is getting pretty tough.

    Go toss off to your Cuddy/Helton screen saver, take a community college math class and stick to rating Swayze movies that WWWW missed.
