Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Please Explain

If those weirdos in the movie "The Village" didn't want their family to live in the modern world, why didn't they just move to an Amish Village instead of making up this whole fake world with those big ass walls and inventing that gay ass fake monster to scare everbody?

Oh. Watch out for Spoilers up there.


  1. That movie could not have sucked more. M Night Shamalamadingdong sucks. I never saw Lady in the Water but heard that was atrocious. I begrudgingly watched The Happening only because of my man crush on Marky Mark. Once again, complete horseshit movie. Which is saying something because there are maybe 5 movies in my life I've seen that I would say sucked. M Night has 2 of the 5.

  2. That movie could not have sucked more. M Night Shamalamadingdong sucks. I never saw Lady in the Water but heard that was atrocious. I begrudgingly watched The Happening only because of my man crush on Marky Mark. Once again, complete horseshit movie. Which is saying something because there are maybe 5 movies in my life I've seen that I would say sucked. M Night has 2 of the 5.

  3. The Todd hated that movie so much he had to tell us twice.
