This is not an easy post to write. And not because I think I'm important or anything dumb like that because I know I'm just another voice in the sea of the internet and that's fine. Because this is a place where I was able to dump my words for, what, 8 years. Whether I was writing about the Gophers, or the Twins, or a movie I was watching, or just drunk in a hotel room traveling for work people responded. And that was the best. The interacting. This blog was always a special place for me.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, time moves on. It sucks up all of us. It just moves. Priorities change, even if we don't want them to do. Interests change. And although I am a huge gopher fan, I didn't even know they play Ohio State tomorrow. That was a huge realization for me. How can I write about something I no longer obsess about, especially as what can best be described as a niche blogger?
You could say I've cooled because the product is so bad this year, and that's fair. And who's to say I won't jump back in whole hog next season? But right now, and all season, and to be fair last season as well, I just don't have it anymore.
In the old days we'd have 10-20 comments on each post. Now I might get 1-2 every once in a while and that's on me. It's not the same. It's been obvious for a while, and anyone who has read this shit knows it, I'm checked out. Moving on. Being a grown up?
Thank you, those who have read over the years. Thank you to those who have kept commenting even more (rghrbek, john r) but I just don't have the fire for this. It's an after thought. Not a priority. And not why I started doing this.
I started this right when Tubby was hired, but it wasn't why. I had always wanted my own place to share my thoughts on the team, for years, and I finally jumped in then. And it was a great time. It became my own place. I had friend, family, and just random fans commenting and it became more than I ever expected, no matter how small it was it became special. And it always will be to me, and thank you to all of you who cared. It was a good run.
I got to interact with Amelia, Marcus, Nadine, and Myron. My thoughts were published in the Star Tribune. I got to show my parents how cool i was. I love everything about having this blog, and thank you all who cared.
I will always be on twitter. But I think this is good bye.
small edit to put this at the top. I'm done. Thanks all.